"How To Quickly Add Coaching Revenue Into Your Bank Account In As Little As Four Days"

Rob Will Show You...

  • The EXACT model he used to sign up over 50 one on one coaching clients.

  • How to sign up coaching clients for a year or more at a time without a list and without strategy sessions.

  • How to manage 50+ clients while working half-days with Fridays off.

  • How to implement this amazing model within 4 days to sign up clients and collect fees faster than ever before.

50+ Clients This coaching model is so irresistible that Rob was able to sign up over 50 one on one coaching clients without strategy sessions.

15 Minutes Yes, you can coach clients in just 15 minute sessions when the progress is made between the calls and framed as homework.


Supporting Coaches Since 2007

Rob Goyette has been supporting coaches and leaders in the coaching niche since 2007. He’s coached and supported leaders such as Christian Mickelsen, Lisa Sasevich, Michelle Schubnel, Milana Leshinsky, Rich German, Jeanna Gabellini, Eva Gregory, Donna Kozik, Kim Clausen, Nancy Juetten, David Steele, and Gary Henson. For well over a decade Rob has been helping coaches get clients.

Here’s What Coaches Are Saying